Where is my mind?
I think the Pixies said it best when they sang:
"With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
But theres nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind?"
I'm not exactly sure where my mind is. I seem to have lost it this weekend courtesy of a little beverage called (wait for it) a Mind Eraser. It seems so obvious, yet it still sneaks up on you. You don't chug it, you drink it through a straw (the winning time was 6 seconds from start to finish), it tastes a little like a milkshake, but it packs a deadly punch. Especially in quick succession.

You should probably just try it on your own. The only place I've had them in the city are Down the Hatch and Tom & Jerry's, but if you just carry the recipe around with you, it is all on-hand bar ingredients.
Just remember, DO NOT STIR IT. It is not shaken or stirred. It is sucked up through the straw from the bottom up. NO STIRRING. Resist!
Urban Dictionary has the defined the Mind Eraser as such:
"A bar drink consisting of equal parts vodka, Kahlua, and either tonic water or club soda poured into a rocks glass in the order listed and served with a straw. The liquids stay semi-separated because of the differences in the specific gravity of each, and the drink is imbibed quickly through the straw so that the Kahlua chases the vodka and the soda chases the Kahlua. Extremely effective in curing what ails you, hence the name."
Amen, Urban Dictionary, Amen. But does it bother anyone else that the Google ads that come up on Urban Dictionary when you look up the Mind Eraser are all for Eating Disorder treatments? hmmmmm.
Also, one other word of advice. I would, maybe, lay off eating something, like, I don't know, meatloaf, before going ahead with a Mind Eraser. Just a thought. Ouch.

Amen sister. Last time I drank mind erasers I got thrown out of Down the Hatch. Who even gets thrown out of DTH? This girl apparently. Never. Again.
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