Walk this way!
One thing I HATE is slow people on the sidewalk. It is very hypocritical of me to hate like this because for 2 months this summer I was on crutches, being VERY slow. But I knew my place. I got up early, took cabs, didn't go out, only went to work and home. I didn't lollygag around the sidewalk. Then I had a sweet cane for several weeks and dazzled people with my dapperness.
Back to my pet peeve:
What I hate more than slow-walkers are people who walk slowly on the sidewalk, and then STEP IN FRONT of everyone waiting at the corner light, so that the entire pedestrian pack has to again, "leap-frog" the slow walker. Usually by 39th and 3rd I'm ready to throw the offender into traffic. Or El Rio Grande, whichever looks more threatening.
Please. When you walk slowly, don't step in front of me after I've passed you in the middle of the block, for three blocks running. Please.
It is a slow dance of leapfrog all the way up 3rd Avenue. Sometimes for more than 10 blocks.
There is a redeeming quality about 39th and 3rd. The other day in a rainstorm, I saw a gentleman of an older generation crossing 3rd Avenue in a trench coat, sans umbrella. He was follicle-y challenged, and to keep his cabeza dry, he was sporting a run-of-the-mill hotel showercap. Clear. Not a granny clear rain scarf, but a shower cap.
It is for this reason, that I love NYC.
Tomorrow, look out for BABBO REVIEW! I will hopefully not be too bloated with food and drink to type.
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