Starts with an H and ends in EIMLICH
I was enjoying a very nice primo plato at Rosa Mexicano's psuedo-newly established Union Square location when lo and behold, for the first time ever I saw a fellow eater choking on his food two tables over! Panic ensued and the manager and wait staff came over, although I did not see anyone perform the Heimlich. Don't they have to know that kind of thing at restaurants? 911 was called and the paramdics and some firemen arrived, but by then the man had dislodged the offending morsel from his airway, although was clearly shaken up. He left 20 minutes later with the paramedics after laying down for a while.

Mark that one down on the "first time I've ever seen anything like that" list...and hopefully the last! The thought of a man choking to death two tables over was definitely enough to make me lose my appetite.....until my entree came, anyway.
P.S. We could all probably brush up on the Heimlich, just in case we are unfortunately around another choking victim:
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